How to submit Final Exams in the Course Information System

This page applies to Instructors only.


The Final Exam module in CIS allows instructors to submit their course's final exam, cover sheet, and printing instructions to their department for review. The content within the Final Exam module varies by division.


Access the Final Exam Module

  1. On your My Courses home page, click on the Final Exam tab.
  2. Click the status link to the right of the desired course.


Instructor Home Page - Final Exam Tab


Cover Sheet & Document(s)

The Cover Sheet & Document(s) step allows you to upload your final exam files and cover sheet. Please ensure that your cover sheet follows your Faculty's guidelines, and that your exam file is saved as PDFs under 75 MB.

  1. If available, you can download a copy of your Faculty's exam cover sheet template to get you started.
  2. Click the Select Document button and browse your computer for your exam file PDF.
  3. If needed, click the Add Another Document link to add additional PDF files.
  4. Click the Save & Continue button to upload the files to CIS and move on to the next step.


Final Exam Module - Cover Sheet & Documents


Exam Printing Options

The Exam Printing Options step allows you to specify the printing requirements and needs for your final exam. The contents of this step varies by division.

  1. Fill out the requested information.
  2. Click the Save & Continue button to save your data and move on to the next step.


Final Exam Module - Exam Printing Options


Contact Information

The Contact Information step allows you to provide the contact information of yourself and/or another person that will be available during the exam. The information provided is confidential and will only be used during the examination.

  1. In the Contact menu, select whose contact information you are supplying.
  2. In the Email address field, enter your University of Toronto email address.
  3. If desired, you may also provide your Phone number.
  4. If needed, click the Add Another link to add additional contacts for your final exam.
  5. Click the Save & Continue button to save your data and move on to the next step.


Final Exam Module - Contact Information


Summary & Submission

The Summary & Submission step allows you to confirm the data you have entered prior to submitting it to your department.

  1. Review the information shown to ensure your submission is accurate. Take note of any warnings shown in the sidebar on the left.
  2. To make corrections, click on any of the steps in the sidebar on the left.
  3. After corrections have been made, return to the Summary & Submission step and click the Submit to Department for Review button.


Change Requests

Your administrative staff may occasionally send you a request to make changes to your submission. Find out more about viewing and replying to Change Requests here.


Final Exam Module - Summary & Submission