How to print Final Exams in the Course Information System

This page applies to Print Shops only.


The Final Exam module in CIS allows printing staff to securely access exam documents and print order details.


Access the Final Exam Module

  1. On your Home Page, click the Final Exam tab at the top.


Final Exam Dashboard

The Final Exam Dashboard displays all courses that are eligible for Final Exam printing, along with the printing status for each course. You can search and filter for any course using the fields provided, or sort the courses by clicking the double arrows to the right of each column header.

  • To view the Final Exam documents and printing requirements for an individual course, click the View button to the right of the desired course.


Final Exam Module - Dashboard


Exam Printing Options & Documents

You can view the printing specifications, instructions, work order, and documents to be printed for each course.

  1. Under Exam Printing Options, click the View the Security Work Order button to download a PDF with the print job specifications. Take note of the Special Instructions at the bottom of the work order.
  2. Under Exam Document(s), click the file name link(s) to download the exam documents.
  3. Process the work order and exam documents for printing.
  4. After the exams have been printed, click the Indicate as 'Printed' button to finalize the printing.


Final Exam Module - Exam Printing Options & Documents