Share a document, folder or file on OneDrive


OneDrive can help you share documents with others for collaboration or viewing. You can share to specific people where they will receive an email notification with their access to the document. You can also share in the form of a link. Both options are similar in that you first configure the permissions and then share the file.

Share to specific people 

  1. Select the document, folder or file you would like to share.

    Example of a selected file

  2. Click on Share.

    Share icon

  3. A dialogue box called Send link opens up. Click on "People you specify can view."

    Send link window

  4. Four Link Settings options appear:

    Link settings

    1. Anyone with link – Meaning that anyone can use the link to the file as generated by Microsoft 365 OneDrive.
      • This option provides Other settings.

        Anyone with link other settings

        • Allow editing: Allows anyone with the link to the document to edit the document.
        • Expiry date: This allows the link to cease function after a set period. This is especially important when files are shared with people outside of the University.
        • Set password: This requires a password to access the document, even if the perople the document is shared to has the link.
    2. People in the University of Toronto with the link – This option limits access rights to files to members of the University community with active Microsoft 365 accounts.
    3. People with existing access – This retains access to people already given access.
    4. Specific people – This option limits the use of the link to specific people within the University.
    5. There are also Other settings in the Link settings window to configure.

      Other settings

      1. Allow editing – Selecting this option permits recipients of the link to edit the file or just to have viewing rights.
      2. Block download – Does not allow people the document is shared with to download by removing that option for them.
  5. Once rights have been applied and the correct people selected to share the file, the link contains these conditions.
  6. The next step is to send the link to the desired recipients. Type the name, group or email to find the people to share the document with.

    To text field

  7. Click Send. The recipients will get an e-mail with a link to the file.


Share via link

  1. Select the document, folder or file you would like to share.

    Example of a selected file

  2. Click on Share.

    Share icon

  3. A dialogue box called Send link opens up. Click on "People you specify can view" under Copy link.

    Send link window

  4. Follow step 4 in the section above to configure the permissions.
  5. Click on Copy to copy the link.
  6. The link is now copied. Share it with people you would like to share the file with.

    Link copied message

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