If you are a site owner, you've probably noticed how your users seem drawn to the Edit button on the home page and click on it then panic when they don't know what to do. Then your home page shows they are editing it and you end up having to discard the changes.
This is because your homepage and all news or other pages are stored in a document library that is likely inheriting your site level permissions. People with Contribute-level permissions or higher have the ability to create pages or edit existing ones. The good news is you can set permissions on this library just like any other. In fact, we recommend that most of your team only has READ on this library to prevent accidental edits. Here is how to do it:
DO NOT remove users from the Site Pages Library entirely. If you do this, they won't be able to view the home page which means the default link to your site will not work for them.
If you consistently have certain people you want to work on pages, consider creating a separate SharePoint group for them that will have the proper permissions.