Teams Meetings: Admit people from the lobby


Depending on your Teams meeting settings, you may have to admit some attendees into your meeting from the lobby. Please read the instructions below to understand this simple process.


  1. Monitor your lobby alerts. When you are in a Teams meeting, and someone requests to join from the lobby, meeting organizers and presenters can approve or decline these requests. When someone requests to join your meeting from the lobby you will see a notification that looks like this:
    Guest in lobby notification
  2. From here, you can either select Admit to let the person join the meeting or View Lobby. View Lobby will show you a list of people who are currently waiting in the lobby, as well as additional information about the person, such as phone number or email address. You can also admit people through this list.
    1. If you do not see the pop-up window notification. Click on People on the top Teams menu toolbar to open the Participants side panel. From the panel, you can pick participants under Waiting in lobby to admit by clicking on the checkmark icon.
      Participants side panel