Configure Bookings for room/desk reservations


Rooms and desks can be integrated into Bookings so they can be booked by people and used. 


  1. Get access to Bookings and create a Bookings calendar.
  2. Enter your business information by going to the Business Information tab. Make sure the information is correct.
    Business information.
  3. Go to the Services tab and click Add a new service to add your first room/desk to your Bookings page. Name the service (e.g. Lab 3 – LM301) and fill out the page details. Leave the Assign staff section for later.
    Add service.
  4. Repeat step 3 for as many rooms/desks as you need to add. Under the Services tab, you should now have a list of rooms and/or desks.
    Services list.
  5. Once you have added all your rooms/desks under Services, click on the Staff tab in the sidebar. Click Add new staff.
  6. Instead of adding information for a staff member, enter the information for a room/desk that is listed under your Services tab:
    Add staff form.
    1. You must enter an email address. You can either enter a phony email address or add the email address of a shared resource (See: Integrate Rooms/Desks with Shared Resources in Bookings).
    2. Verify that the availability of your room/desk listed under Staff matches the availability of the room/desk with the same name listed under Services.
    3. When you have entered the information for the room/desk click Save changes.
  7. Repeat step 7 for all of the rooms and/or desks listed under Services.
  8. Go back to the Services tab and click on a room/desk. Click on Edits service then click on Assign Staff on the left.
  9. You will see a list of all of the rooms/desks you have just added to the Assign staff tab. Click on the “staff member” that matches the room/desk. For example, if you have selected Lab 3 (Service) click on Lab 3 (Staff). You should see a checkmark next to your selection.
    Assign staff.
  10. At the top of the page, click Save changes.
  11. Repeat steps 8-10 for all rooms/desks.