Join a Skype meeting as a guest through the web app


If you have been invited to a Skype meeting and you don’t have a UTmail+ account, you can join as a guest.


  1. Open the meeting request in your email or calendar, and click the link provided for the Skype Meeting.
    • If you don’t have the Skype for Business Web App plug-in installed, follow your browser’s instructions for installing it. You will be prompted to choose which method to use to join. Click the Install and join with Skype Meetings App (web).

      How would you like to join your meeting?

    • When it’s finished installing (in Windows, you may need to run the installer – SkypeMeetingsApp.msi), you can join the meeting through the web app.
  2. On the Skype for Business Web App sign-in page, enter your name in the field provided and click Join.
  3. The web app plug-in will launch. Depending on the browser you are using, you may see a specific prompt (in Chrome, click Open Skype Meetings App. In Safari or Firefox, click Allow in the security window).
  4. You will be taken to the Skype meeting room.
  5. You can exit the meeting by clicking the Hang Up icon, or by closing the window. Click Yes when you see the Close app window.