If you want to change your individual email address (firstname.lastname@mail.utoronto.ca OR firstname.lastname@utoronto.ca), you will be able to change the “firstname” part only.
Email addresses at the University of Toronto fall into three categories: individual, departmental and non-UTmail+. Individual accounts are those consisting of firstname.lastname@mail.utoronto.ca OR firstname.lastname@utoronto.ca OR firstname.lastname@alum.utoronto.ca. Departmental accounts can be anything@utoronto.ca. Non-UTmail+ accounts do not end in @mail.utoronto.ca OR @utoronto.ca (e.g. yourname@xyz.utoronto.ca). If your email is a UTmail+ account, read the appropriate section below. Otherwise, contact your local IT support for help with your non-UTmail+ accounts.
Important note: An email address change is, in practice, a replacement of your old account. This means that any messages sent to your old address will be returned to the sender. Also, since your previous address will become available for others to use, it is possible that someone with the same last name can claim the old address and receive mail intended for you. It is the responsibility of the email user to inform all of their correspondents of any email address change. Any email address changes submitted take until the next day to be implemented.
Individual email accounts have the form of firstname.lastname@mail.utoronto.ca OR firstname.lastname@utoronto.ca OR firstname.lastname@alum.utoronto.ca (e.g. jane.smith@mail.utoronto.ca OR jane.smith@utoronto.ca). These accounts can have the “firstname” of the address changed only. For example, jane.smith@mail.utoronto.ca to j.smith@mail.utoronto.ca OR jane.smith@utoronto could be changed to j.smith@utoronto.ca. To change the first part of your email address, go to the UTORid Change your e-mail address website.
If you legally changed your last name, you must register this change with the University. If you are a student, you need to change it with ACORN. If you are a staff or faculty member, you should contact Human Resources. After you have changed your name in the University records, you can send a request through ESC (http://uoft.me/esc) to have your email address changed. Be sure to include your UTORid and/or library number with the request to assist ESC staff in processing your request.
Departmental addresses are used by academic departments, student groups and others (e.g. information.chemistry@utoronto.ca). These accounts can be changed to anything else (e.g. cheminfo@utoronto.ca) considered reasonable by the department. That change can be performed at the change UTORid email address website.
If your email address does not end in @mail.utoronto.ca OR @utoronto.ca, it is a departmental account (e.g. an email address that ends in @something.utoronto.ca or @name.toronto.edu – for example @math.toronto.edu, @cs.toronto.edu, @psych.utoronto.ca, etc.). You should contact your local IT support for changes to this account.