If a TCard is lost or stolen, the balance in your TBucks account is protected from the time the card is reported missing. Since funds will be saved to your online account instead of the chip on your TCard, balances from lost or stolen cards will be automatically transferred within 24 hours of the replacement card’s issuance.
In the event your card is lost or stolen you can deactivate your card on the TCard+ website at https://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/tcardplus. Cards can also be deactivated by calling the TCard+ Office at 416-208-2233 (Monday to Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.). You must also report your TCard lost or stolen to the library so it can be blocked for use as a borrowing card.
Please note: There is a different process for lost or stolen Guest Cards. Please see our article answering if users with Guest Cards can check account balances and load funds online (KB0011665). Instructions are also printed on the back of each Guest Card.