Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs for DocuSign

This FAQ aims to answer most of the questions received regarding DocuSign. 

What is an envelope?

In DocuSign, an envelope is a container for documents that you send to a recipient to sign. An envelope can have one or many documents. You can read more on DocuSign envelopes here:

How can different people sign the same document on Enterprise DocuSign?

You can designate all signers on the document, then set the order of signatures according to your specific workflow. You can read more on this here:

Does everyone signing the document need an Enterprise DocuSign account?

          No, recipients of your documents do not need an account to sign with DocuSign. Your document will be sent via email from and recipients can review the document, adopt a signature, and complete the signing process without having a DocuSign account. Only those setting up the envelopes require an account.

Does Enterprise DocuSign integrate with any University of Toronto Systems?

At this point, Enterprise DocuSign integrates with SharePoint. If a document saved on SharePoint needs signatures, an option to sign your document on Enterprise DocuSign will be provided. You can learn more on using DocuSign and SharePoint here:

What level of customization can be done on Enterprise DocuSign?

Enterprise DocuSign platform cannot be customized because it is a cloud-based system. However, you can customize your contracts or templates on DocuSign. You can read the guide on how to create and edit templates, and reuse it as many times as you like on DocuSign here:

Is there a cost to using Enterprise DocuSign?

In the pilot series, the cost will be absorbed by Information Technology Services (EASI) for DocuSign. Post-Pilot series, ITS is working on a cost recovery model for DocuSign, but currently each envelope averages put to be CAD $6 per envelope. The costs are incurred per usage of envelope.

How do I know if my organization qualifies for Enterprise DocuSign?

You can visit our Electronic Signature Competency Centre website to view our common use cases and if DocuSign aligns with your organizational needs, please contact MJ at You can review the common use cases here:

Related Information

This Frequently Asked Questions relates to the following information: