How to manage administrative access for the Course Information System

This page applies to Registrar's Offices only.


Access to CIS for administrative staff is managed through the UTORGrouper tool. Registrar's Offices can use this tool to add and remove Registrar's Office and Department Administrator users in CIS.

Note: Print Shop users cannot be managed at this time, please submit a support ticket for modifications to Print Shop users or groups.


Access UTORGrouper

Note: You must be connected to the AdminVPN in order to access UTORGrouper.

  1. Using a desktop browser, go to UTORGrouper.
  2. Enter your UTORid and password into the weblogin page.

View Registrar's Office Users

  1. Click the Root folder in the Browse Folders sidebar on the left.
  2. Click the acad folder.
  3. Click the folder with the corresponding ROSI Primary Organization Code for your Faculty.
  4. In your Faculty folder, find and click the cis-XXXXX-registrar group, where XXXXX is the ROSI Primary Organization Code for your Faculty.
UTORGrouper - Home Page

View Department Administrator Users

  1. Click the Root folder in the Browse Folders sidebar on the left.
  2. Click the acad folder.
  3. Click the folder with the corresponding ROSI Primary Organization Code for your Faculty.
  4. Click the folder with the corresponding ROSI Secondary Organization Code for the desired department.
  5. In the department folder, click the cis-XXXXX-YYYYY-dept-admin group, where XXXXX is the ROSI Primary Organization Code of your Faculty and YYYYY is the ROSI Secondary Organization Code of the department.
UTORGrouper - Department Administrator Group

Manage Administrative Access

Add a User

Administrative staff such as Registrar's Offices, Department Administrators, and Print Shops are required to use UTORMFA in order to access the Course Information System. For more information on UTORMFA, refer to Information Security's UTORMFA documentation.

Note: Access changes in UTORGrouper may take up to 3 hours to update in CIS.

  1. In the desired group, click the Add Members button in the top right.
  2. Enter the desired UTORid or email address in the text box and select the matching name from the results.
  3. Click the Add button.
UTORGrouper - Add User

Remove a User

Note: Access changes in UTORGrouper may take up to 3 hours to update in CIS.

  1. In the desired group, click the Actions button to the right of the desired user.
  2. Select Revoke Membership from the dropdown menu.
UTORGrouper - Remove User