SAP GUI for Java Connection strings

Download SAPGUILandscape.xml  from the url mentioned above

Typing in the search  word Finder

IFinder use Go - Go to Folder menu option

Type in ~/Library/Preferences/SAP

Finder New Finder Window

Downloads directory in Finder where one finds the SAPGUILandscape.xml file

Copy SAPGUILandscape.xml from Downloads window to SAPGUI directory

SAPGUI scren needs to have updated connection visible


In case of SNC connection does not open, please check if any of the following steps is applicable

  1. Check if SAP Secure Client is running in Encryption Only Mode (Menu bar > Preferences > SNC tab)

    Select preferences from Secure Client drop down

  2. Check if SAP Secure Client Profile “Encryption-only mode”. (Menu bar > Show Profiles > Select “Encryption-only Profile”)

    If not, double-click to toggle the modes

    In the Preference Page,Ensure Encryption Only Mode  is selected

  3. SAP Secure Client has to start prior SAP GUI for Java.

    If not, completely close SAP GUI for Java and reopen in after SAP Secure Client is already running

    Toggle Encryption only mode if it is not selected on SAP Secure Login Client Preferences