Data Sub – Update Booking Check-Out Date Relative to Final Exam Date

Table of Contents


Data Subscription Details


To update an Entry’s Booking > Check Out Date to be 24 hours (1 day) or 48 hours (2 days) after their Final Exam Date.

The Final Exam Date data point being used is stored under the ROSI Final Exam Timeslot field (EntryCustomField[CustomFieldDefinitionID=464])

Subscription Type Update a Record

When data is updated in the selected table.

Specifically, when the boolean field Booking > CustomBit4 is updated from FALSE to TRUE in the relevant Booking record
Table Booking
Field Name Custom Bit 4
Filter Records

For 24 hour Data Sub

( ([Booking].CustomBit4  = 1)

AND ([Booking].RoomLocationID IN (43, 42, 41, 27, 28, 94, 29, 68, 30, 31, 32, 33, 96, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 52))

AND ([Booking].EntryStatusEnum IN (2, 5)) )


For 48 hour Data Sub

( ([Booking].CustomBit4  = 1)

AND ([Booking].RoomLocationID IN (7, 82, 91, 92, 67, 53, 59, 18, 16, 17, 19, 87, 88, 62, 61, 2, 3, 73, 5, 6))

AND ([Booking].EntryStatusEnum IN (2, 5)) )
On Data Updated Update a field on the Booking record
Field Check Out Date

For 24 hour data sub

{NewData_EntryID.EntryCustomField[CustomFieldDefinitionID=464].ValueDate:1d,MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss}


For 48 hour data sub

{NewData_EntryID.EntryCustomField[CustomFieldDefinitionID=464].ValueDate:2d,MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss}




  1. Review your data
    1. Execute the Final Exam Dates report, which can be found under Saved Reports > Shared Reports > Global Reports. We recommend exporting the results as a CSV file.
    2. Review your data
      1. Ensure that your Entries have a datetime value in the ROSI Final Exam Timeslot field. If you have Entries where ROSI Final Exam Timeslots = blank, exclude them from the Saved List or Dynamic List below
      2. Ensure that the ROSI Final Exam Timeslot field contains data for the current session. If you have Entries with final exam timeslots from previous terms or sessions, exclude them from the Saved List or Dynamic List below
  2. Create a Saved List (or Dynamic List) of entries with Booking records that you want to update.
    1. TIP: You can use the EntryIDs from the report you executed above to create a Saved List easily
    2. If you have a maximum Check Out Date that a booking can have, you will need to create separate lists. For example:
      1. If your maximum Check Out Date is May 1 and your residence’s data sub updates the Check Out Date to 48 hours after the Final Exam Timeslot, you will need two saved lists.
      2. The first saved list should only include entries with final exam timeslots on or before April 29. You can trigger the data sub on this list, which will update the Check Out Date to 48 hours after the Entry’s Final Exam Timeslot. Entries with a Final Exam Timeslot of April 29 will have their Check Out Date updated to May 1.
      3. The second saved list should include entries with final exam timeslots on or after April 30. Do not trigger the data sub on this saved list, which would update the Check Out Date to May 2 or later (beyond your maximum check out date). Instead, you can bulk edit these Entries’ booking check out dates to May 1 directly using the Bulk Edit > Set Value function.
  3. Navigate to your Saved List (or Dynamic List) and select your Entries
  4. Click Actions > General > Bulk Edit
  5. Click Select Criteria and filter for the Bookings that you want to update. To ensure that you are only operating on the Booking records you intend to update, you can apply criteria on the following fields:
    1. Booking > Term Session ID
    2. Booking > Room Location ID
    3. Booking > Entry Status (*Note that the data sub will only run in RESERVED or IN ROOM bookings)
    4. Close the Select Criteria window.
  6. Click Select Fields.
    1. Pull in the Booking > Custom Bit 4 field
    2. Close the Select Fields window
  7. Click Set Values
    1. For the Custom Bit 4 field, change the operator to Update to Constant Value and set the boolean field to True (has a checkmark)
    2. Leave all other fields as No Update.
  8. Preview your changes then click OK to trigger the data sub.
  9. You’re done!
  10. Navigate to any other relevant lists for which you need to trigger the data sub or manually bulk edit their Check Out Dates.