For students to be able to search for roommates in the portal, they can search by various fields (e.g., Name, Student Number, Web Screen Name). The specific fields are unique to what each residence sets up in their application (i.e., one residence may allow searching by name, and another may allow searching by student number).
The format of the Web Screen Name should be streamlined across all records, rather than each residence having it created in their individual applications. To ensure proper formatting, all students who apply for residence will now have a Web Screen Name created when they pass through the Term Selectors of these processes:
This will ensure that all students applying for residence in any way will have a Web Screen Name created in the proper format:
Left 5 characters of NameLast field + Right 3 characters of EntryID field
NameLast | EntryID | Web Screen Name |
Smitherson | 73956 | Smith956 |
Residences should review their applications and remove any Page Events that are set to update the Web Screen Name.
If you have other questions or concerns about this setup, please contact the StarRez Help team.