Microsoft Stream (Classic) vs Stream (on Sharepoint)


Microsoft Stream is a secure video service that allows you to share recordings of classes, meetings, presentations, training sessions and related videos. It also works well with other Microsoft 365 apps like TeamsSharePoint, OneNote and Forms. With Stream, users can access their videos on multiple devices from any location and deliver both live and on-demand videos to curated audiences.

Currently, Microsoft is transitioning to a newer, more integrated version of Stream. The earlier version of Stream will now be known as Microsoft Stream (Classic), and the new version will be known as Microsoft Stream (built on SharePoint) or Stream (on SharePoint). The main difference is that the new Stream (on SharePoint) will leverage the power of SharePoint and OneDrive to improve video management regarding permissions, sharing, and governance.

Table comparing how Stream (Classic) and Stream (on SharePoint) fit into Microsoft 365

  Stream (Classic) Stream (on SharePoint)
Do more with files Icons of Teams, Yammer, Office, Outlook, & SharePoint. Icons of Teams, Yammer, Office, Outlook, & SharePoint with video icons on each application.
File creation and get back to your files Icons of Word, PowerPoint, Excel, OneDrive together in the same box, but Stream on it's own next to them in it's own box. Icons of Word, PowerPoint, Excel, OneDrive, and Stream all together in the same box. And all the applications have a video icon.
Storage and files Icons of SharePoint & OneDrive, with file extensions doc, ppt, xls under them, with the mp4 extension greyed out all in their own box.The icon of Stream in a box next to it with the mp4 extension under it. Icons of SharePoint & OneDrive, with file extensions doc, ppt, xls, and mp4 under them. Both SharePoint and OneDrive has a video icon on them.

As the table illustrates, there will be increased integration of Stream into Microsoft 365 in the newer version.

Table comparing features of Stream (Classic) and Stream (on SharePoint)

Features Stream (Classic) Stream (on SharePoint)
File storage Video and audio files are stored on Stream (Classic).

Video and audio files are stored on SharePoint files platform (OneDrive and SharePoint) within Microsoft 365.

Videos across Microsoft 365 (in SharePoint, OneDrive, Yammer, and Teams) will be considered Stream videos. They will consume the existing file quota from OneDrive and SharePoint.

Organization Videos can be organized into channels or associated with groups.

Videos recorded in a Teams Channel meeting will be stored in the Files tab of the Team.

If desired, videos recorded outside a Team can be copied into a Team’s files tab.

Web app The web application can be found at

The web application can be found at

Start page - where you find your videos and videos shared with you. Stream (Classic) homepage

Stream (on SharePoint) homepage

You can customize page, site and portal experiences for videos to create destinations for SharePoint and Teams to feature your videos.

Sharing to external users This feature is not available. Users must belong to the organization and be authenticated to view the video.

Videos can be shared with external users or the public using “Anyone with the link” sharing.

Playback speed  Playback speeds are available at 2x, 1.8x, 1.5x, 1x, and 0.5x speeds.

This feature is not yet available.

Many additional capabilities have become available if you upload videos to SharePoint, Teams, Yammer, or OneDrive, for Stream (on SharePoint), including the ability to:

You can view the full list of rolled-out features of Stream (on SharePoint) here.

Transition Process

The transition between the earlier and newer version of Stream will be a gradual process. You can view the roadmap here

For the time being, Stream (Classic) and Stream (on SharePoint) will coexist. The retirement date for Stream (Classic) has not been set. It will occur after all the designated features from Stream (Classic) are available in Stream (on SharePoint). Microsoft is in the process of building a migration tool to assist in moving content from Stream (Classic) to Stream (on SharePoint). It is important to note that Stream (Classic) URLs and embed links will keep working post-migration. They will redirect to and play from the migrated destination locations.

Knowledge Base Articles

Stream (Classic)

Uploading Teams recordings to Stream

Stream video did not auto-caption

Stream (on SharePoint)

Add/edit captions and transcripts in a video

Add chapters in videos