Portal – Winter Break Form and Booking Extension Fields

Portal – Winter Break Form and Booking Extension Fields


This article is intended for StarRez PortalX editors with working knowledge of PortalX components (i.e., process, pages, widgets, events, etc.), the StarRez database schema, and their residence's StarRez business processes. 


This article provides information on which StarRez table, fields, and lookups to use to set up a booking extension form on Portal X. You can create a form for students to request a booking extension for any of the three transition periods:

Shared Fields and Lookups

Please use the following fields from the booking table. These fields are shared by all the residences.

StarRez Field Field Name

Field Type

Lookup Text (Lookup Value)
Booking.CustomString1 Extension Request String
  1. I request a full stay in residence (Full Stay)
  2. I request a partial stay in residence (Partial Stay)
  3. I am leaving for the break and staying in Canada (Leaving Residence, Staying in Canada)
  4. I am leaving for the break and travelling internationally (Leaving Residence, Travelling Internationally)
Booking.CustomString2 Extension Status String
  • Submitted
  • Approved
  • Declined
  • Cancelled

Special Requirements

(Recommend to use for extension reason)

StringLong (max 5000 characters)  
Booking.CustomDate1 Expected Arrival Date Date/Time  
Booking.CustomDate2 Expected Departure Date Date/Time  
Booking.CustomDate3 Form Submission Date Date/Time  

Additional Resources

StarCare Online