Logging in to Degree Explorer - Troubleshooting


Access to Degree Explorer requires a UTORid and active enrolment in UTORMFA (multi-factor authentication).

First-time setup

Staff and faculty who require access to Degree Explorer must first be granted access via their Faculty Administrator, which is typically a senior staff administrator at the Registrar. If you and your manager are unsure of whom this may be, ask your ROSI Access Control Representative. Students in participating Faculties (e.g., Arts & Science) require an active UTORid to login. Your Registrar's office can provide you with information on how to navigate Degree Explorer.

Troubleshooting login issues

Staff and faculty should first confirm with their Faculty Administrator that their Degree Explorer access is active. Students should confirm with their Registrar's office that they are permitted to access Degree Explorer. If you still cannot proceed beyond the UTORid login screen for Degree Explorer, perform the following maintenance steps before contacting the Help & Support team via the ESC.

This tends to resolve the majority of Degree Explorer login problems. If you continue to experience login issues, staff and faculty should submit a ticket to the Student Information Systems group under the Degree Explorer subcategory. Student users, please contact your Registrar's office directly for assistance.