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3.0 - Updated on 2024-09-06 by Melvin Chien

2.0 - Updated on 2020-02-25 by Melvin Chien

How to view Change Requests in the Course Information System

The page applies to Instructors only.


Change Requests allow administrative staff to propose modifications and provide feedback on a submission made by an instructor. Instructors can review the request, make changes as appropriate, and resubmit their information to the department for further review.

Note: Change Requests are only available in the Syllabus Builder, Syllabi, and Final Exam modules.


Access Change Requests

  1. On your My Courses page, click on the Syllabus Builder, Syllabi, or Final Exam tab at the top.
  2. Click the status link to the right of the desired course.
  3. Click on the Step in the sidebar on the left that is marked with an orange exclamation icon.


View and Reply to a Change Request

Your administrative staff may occasionally send you a request to make changes to your submission. You can reply to the Change Request for additional clarifications or to provide details as to why the requested modifications are not applicable. Department Administrators will resolve Change Requests once they have been addressed.

  1. Click the View Request link to the right of Action Required notice or scroll down to the bottom of the page.
  2. To reply to a Change Request, fill out the text box with your response and click the Reply button to the right.
  3. To make modifications to your submission, scroll up and make the necessary edits. Click the Save button at the bottom to save your changes afterwards.
  4. If modifications were made, click on the last Step in the sidebar on the left and then click the Resubmit button to send your revisions to your Department Administrator for review.
Syllabus Builder Module - View a Change Request
Syllabus Builder Module - Reply to a Change Request