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9.0 - Updated on 2024-08-29 by Lisa Chen

8.0 - Updated on 2024-04-08 by Lisa Chen

7.0 - Updated on 2021-08-24 by Lisa Chen

6.0 - Updated on 2021-08-17 by Lisa Chen

5.0 - Updated on 2021-08-17 by Lisa Chen

4.0 - Updated on 2021-07-16 by Heather Postill

How to add and remove users from a site

Add users to a SharePoint site

You must have Full Control permissions or higher to do this on a site. The below steps are performed in this video.

Method 1: If using default groups and permissions

  1. Go to the site, select the gear icon (top right corner) > Site Permissions.
  2. Select Share site.
  3. Enter the user's email address/group's name and assign a permission level (Read, Edit, or Full control).
  4. Once you select Share, an invitation is sent and permissions are set.
    • To avoid sending a notification, uncheck Send email.

Note: If you do not see the share option, you have custom permissions and must use method 2.

Method 2: Adding users to custom groups

  1. Go to the site, select the gear icon (top right corner) > Site information View all Site settings.
  2. Select People and groups.
  3. On the left, select the group you'd like to add the users to.
  4. Click the drop-down arrow by New > Add Users.

5. In the Enter names or email addresses box, type the name/group name, username, or user's email and select them from the search box. Include a personal message is optional. Click Show Options to send an email invitation or not.

Remove users from a SharePoint site

Method 1: If using default groups and permissions

  1. Go to the site, select the gear icon (top right corner) > Site Permissions.
  2. Click the owners, members, or visitors groups to view membership.
  3. Find the user and select the permission level underneath them > Remove.

Method 2: Removing users from custom groups

  1. Go to the site, select the gear icon (top right corner) > Site information View all Site settings.
  2. Select People and groups.
  3. On the left, select the group the user is in.
  4. Checkoff the boxes beside the users you want to remove. Select Actions > Remove Users from Group.

5. Click OK to confirm the deletion.

To quickly remove a user from all groups or locations in a site collection without doing it one by one, follow the instructions in KB0012217.