What can I name my shared mailbox?
There are two components to the name of an email account: the display name and the email address. Outgoing mail is labelled in the form From: Display Name <email.address@utoronto.ca>
For shared mailboxes, the email address always ends in @utoronto.ca. The front part can contain letters (uppercase and lowercase are considered equivalent), numbers, and periods. To create a shared mailbox with an email address ending in the form @<department>.utoronto.ca, please contact the IT staff in that department for assistance.
The display name for a shared mailbox should be unique across the University to prevent confusion; including the department name is recommended but not mandatory. Do not repeat the actual email address as the display name. Do not use a person’s name as the full display name of a shared mailbox. If it is absolutely necessary to include their name, append it to a generic name that describes the purpose of the account.
To change the display name of an existing shared mailbox, please submit a request in ESC (http://uoft.me/esc) using the Get Help form.
To change the email address of an existing shared mailbox, the account owner should go to UTORid Management (utorid.utoronto.ca) and click on Change Departmental Shared Mailbox Options.