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2.0 - Updated on 2022-08-18 by Amy Li

1.0 - Authored on 2020-08-26 by Natalie Yeung

What can I name my shared mailbox?

There are two components to the name of an email account: the display name and the email address. Outgoing mail is labelled in the form From: Display Name <>

For shared mailboxes, the email address always ends in The front part can contain letters (uppercase and lowercase are considered equivalent), numbers, and periods. To create a shared mailbox with an email address ending in the form @<department>, please contact the IT staff in that department for assistance.

The display name for a shared mailbox should be unique across the University to prevent confusion; including the department name is recommended but not mandatory. Do not repeat the actual email address as the display name. Do not use a person’s name as the full display name of a shared mailbox. If it is absolutely necessary to include their name, append it to a generic name that describes the purpose of the account.

To change the display name of an existing shared mailbox, please submit a request in ESC ( using the Get Help form.

To change the email address of an existing shared mailbox, the account owner should go to UTORid Management ( and click on Change Departmental Shared Mailbox Options.