Instructions for Automatic PowerShell Deployment of SAP GUI 8.0 Patch 4 for Windows


Download Software

SAPGUI_8.0_for_Windows_64bit_Patch_4_PowerShell_Users files to a local location.

Location to download the software package

Open PowerShell as user administrator.

Type "PowerShell" in the search bar on the home page


Download and unzip the files to local path

In this example, the location is set to "c:\Workspace\SAP GUI 8.0 Patch 4\"

When you run the deployment, and if SAP GUI is open, you will be required to close it within five minutes of receiving a prompt.

Pop-up on information to automatic closure on SAPGUI
When the update is complete, you will be prompted to reboot your computer within an hour for the upgrade to take effect. If you would like to use SAP GUI before the automatic restart is complete, please manually restart your computer. Pop-up to restart the system
Type <full path>\Deploy-Application.ps1Ex: C:\Workspace\”SAP GUI 8.0 Patch 4”\SAPGUI_8.0_for_Windows_64bit_Patch_4_Users\Deploy-Application.ps1
The installation will take approximately 5 minutes, and is finished when the default prompt resumes
Please refer to the notes for further details on "SAP GUI 8.0 Installation Notes Screenshot to download Installation notes