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2.0 - Updated on 2022-07-07 by Amy Li

1.0 - Authored on 2022-06-10 by Amy Li

alumnimail: Set up your account on Windows Mail


Before you begin, please consult this article to check that you have a compatible email client that supports modern authentication: Email clients that support modern authentication. Older versions of Windows Mail may not work. 

Remove an existing alumnimail email account

If you have an existing alumnimail account set up on your device, please delete your existing alumnimail account from your device before adding it.

Add the alumnimail email account

  1. From the Start menu, launch the Mail app.
    • If you are opening Mail for the first time, you will see the Welcome to Mail screen. Click on Add account.
      Welcome to mail
    • If you already have an account set up in Mail, click on the Settings (gear-shaped) icon on the bottom left. In the right panel called Manage accounts that opens, click on Add account
      Manage accounts
  2. In the Choose an account screen, select Office 365.
    Choose account type

  3. Enter your Email address (usually of the form “”) and click Next.
    Enter email
  4. Enter your password and click Sign in.

  5. Wait until you see an account setup confirmation, then click on Done.
    Account set up confirmation
  6. The email has now been configured, and it should start synchronizing your email messages and calendar. Depending on the volume of messages, this may take some time.

Having problems?

Contact the Information Commons Help Desk, 1st floor, Robarts Library  (416 978-HELP (4357), 
Or send a request through the Enterprise Service Centre (ESC).

Attachments Pasted image.png